Internship Abroad Certificate by EazyCity

Written by Enrico Zoppi

We all know that a study or work abroad experience is very enriching but above all life changing. On top of all the new skills you will develop while abroad we really believe that every experience abroad makes you stronger as a person and offers you plenty of opportunities to grow professionally and personally.

Your Certificate

All our students and young professionals who carry out a work experience either in our company EazyCity or in one of our partner host companies will receive an Internship Abroad Certificate to certify their work experience.

Living for a period abroad should not be all about the internship or the language course but about the experience we live. At the end of your Study or Work Experience we will issue your certificate and send it to you via email.

LinkedIn Certificate for your profile - Increase your chances to find a job

We strongly encourage to add your Internship Abroad Certificate to your LinkedIn profile and share the Certificate we send you at the end of your experience. If you don't have a LinkedIn profile we highly recommend to create one as most companies look for you on LinkedIn even before the interview. See below what our Certificate looks like on your LinkedIn profile. For more information or to receive your Certificate please contact our team: [email protected]

It is very important to update your LinkedIn profile highlighting your work experience abroad. Companies really appreciate potential hires to have an experience abroad and you may have a better chance to be contacted by a company.

Add your Certificate on your LinkedIn profile, watch this video where we show you how to do it

Contact our team for more information or to receive your Certificate: [email protected]

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